Advanced Tools in Shared Hosting
Once you log into your shared web hosting Control Panel, you will be able to access all complex instruments we provide for your convenience. Each of them could be used with a few mouse clicks, so even in the event that you are not tech-savvy, you'll be able to use the intuitive Hepsia interface to do anything you wish. The tools include an .htaccess generator that'll allow you to specify a website home page, establish password protection for a folder, block certain referrers or create customized error pages, an IP Blocking tool which will permit you to stop the access of particular addresses or entire networks to your website, a Hotlink Protection tool that will prevent people from embedding your content on their Internet sites and using your traffic, a URL redirection tool, and many others. You'll also be able to manage the PHP configuration of your account and enable/disable a variety of options with a single mouse click, so you will not require coding skills of any sort.
Advanced Tools in Dedicated Servers Hosting
We have included a number of tools within our Hepsia Control Panel, so if you choose it when you sign up for a dedicated server from our firm, you'll receive additional control over your sites. The instruments feature a highly user-friendly interface, therefore you'll be able to use them even in case you have zero experience in the Internet hosting field. Blocking out an IP, password-protecting a folder or forwarding one domain to another are just a few of the things that you shall be able to do with no more than a few mouse clicks. The sitemap generator tool will help you improve the search engine ranking of your Internet sites while the PHP configuration editor will deliver a simple way to modify different system settings in the event that you'd like to run script apps with specific requirements. You shall even be able to set up .htaccess system files without any previous skills and take full advantage of numerous options such as language forwarding, defining the home page of your Internet sites or setting up personalized error pages.