All arithmetical and logical procedures in a computer/server configuration are addressed by its Central Processing Unit, or CPU. This hardware part is typically called the "brains" of the computer also. The pace at which the CPU completes system instructions is typically referred to as its speed and it's measured in Hertz. The faster the processing unit is, the quicker scripts and web programs shall be executed, although the performance of the latter depends on other things as well - the read/write speed of the hard disk, the amount of physical memory, the network connectivity, etc. All new CPUs have a number of cores, which work together. As a result, the functionality and the workload a CPU can manage increase, since every single core can process a number of tasks separately and several cores can handle a single task that can't be processed by a single core.

CPU Share in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The dedicated server plans we provide you with feature different hardware configurations, so that you can select the most suitable one for your websites or applications. The processor for every single plan is different as well - the most powerful package comes with a 12-core processor that will provide remarkable script execution speeds, even if your scripts are extremely heavy and many people access and use them simultaneously. The CPU is extensively examined alongside all the other elements which we use to construct every new dedicated server, so as to ensure that the server shall work flawlessly all the time. We will do this before we give you access to it, since we will never make a compromise with the quality of any of the hardware components which we use. The speeds which you see on our website are guaranteed for each of the packages.